DIY Project: Deco Tape on your Docking Cable

My sister-in-law got me interested with deco tapes since she (and my other sister-in-law- who even has a blog on her crafts – BLUE MONDAY) does a lot of arts and crafts, passing it down to our nieces and nephews with Crafting sessions. Now there’s a reason why I’m the in-law since I have no talent whatsoever with arts and crafts, I can’t even cut  with a scissors-straight to save my life!

Which is much to my dismay, especially come Christmas time when all their gifts are wrapped beautifully and all our gifts look like they were wrapped by a first grader! Thank God for Gift Wrapping stations in department stores – especially SM where it’s free! 

I saw this DIY project on an Instagram account, it was an iPhone docking cable wrapped with deco-tape, it was really cute and I thought that this was something I could do, and it’s more of my style of arts and crafts which I have now dubbed as ‘Art in Chaos’ you know just stick a bunch of stuff, with no particular order and Tadah! Arts and Crafts right?! 

So when I decided to pursue the project, I asked for some sage advise from my sister-in-law on what type of tape to buy for the project. A quick trip at the tyange and I saw a lot of different kinds of tapes, there were paper tapes and deco tapes. The paper tapes really looked like paper and as my sister-in-law said they weren’t that sticky and suggested to use the deco tape instead. The stall was selling deco tapes for a hundred pesos for 3 pieces. I decided to just buy one for P40.00 since I was just trying it out for the first time. 

If you know me, you’ll probably agree that all my stuff is pink, so I decided to choose a deco tape, with a teal background with cute cat designs-I’m a big cat person too! 

When time came to actually wrap my iPad mini docking cable cord, I was surprised because it was actually harder than it looked. First you have to make sure the tape doesn’t get wet with your sweat (or any kind of liquid for that matter) if you’re wondering how sweat got on the tape, I have sweaty palms- so….there. 

If you don’t have any sweaty hands then you don’t have to worry about the tape loosing it’s stickiness. 

When placing the tape on the docking cable, make sure to do so in a diagonal angle, this is to help the tape actually move and cover the distance on your docking cable. You might notice a part of the tape not sticking when you do this technique, you can easily flatten that out when you make your next turn around the cable. 

It was pretty simple and once done gave the docking cable a fun and colorful new look. Paul had his docking cable wrapped too!