UNCHARTED: Tom Holland Leaps Into A New Adventure

Victor “Sully” Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) and Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) look to make their move in Columbia Pictures’ UNCHARTED.
photo by: Clay Enos

I will start this review off by saying that I have not played the ‘Uncharted’ games and therefore am not familiar with the story or game play. I’m entering the movie tabula rasa (a blank slate). Knowing nothing of the games, I thought that the film was an enjoyable and thrilling new action-adventure!

It was like a mix of National Treasure-Tomb Raider-Fast and the Furious films! With a very likeable Tom Holland as the lead. I’m not familiar with the video game but watching it, it had scenes that felt like I was playing a video game.

Also appreciate that nod to original Nathan Drake voice, Nolan North who made a cameo in the film.

The film opens in the middle of one of its two biggest action scenes – protagonist Tom Holland (Nathan Drake) dangling from the air with his foot trapped in a line of crates, so that was refreshing, instead of having the usual origin story by starting the film at the beginning. Of course we learn about Nate’s past, how he was separated from his brother and how he grew up as a bartender with a sideline for lifting jewelry and valuables from unsuspecting customers.

Mark Wahlberg and Tom Holland star in Columbia Pictures’ UNCHARTED.

Enter Mark Wahlberg’s Sully, who recruits Nate into finding Magellan’s lost gold.

What follows is a globe-trotting adventure where Nate’s wit and skills are put to the test. There is a lot of clue finding, puzzle solving and physical challenges that follows in the tradition of movies like Indiana Jones.

I’ll have to be biased and say that I enjoyed it more because of the film’s connection to the Philippines. I mean, we’ve been studying about Magellan and Lapu-Lapu since we were in grade school and hearing and seeing all of that on the big screen in a big Hollywood movie just put an ear-to-ear grin on my face. Can’t help but point out that of course, that the film’s McGuffin helps fuel a certain false narrative which has recently been the topic of many, as elections are right around the corner, but let’s not get into that.

Admittedly you couldn’t help but see the similarities between Tom Holland as Peter Parker and Tom Holland as Nathan Drake, with the good guy persona and the physical stunts. Can’t help but notice that the film tried to squeeze in as much of Tom’s abs as possible, probably to help shed his “baby” image as Peter and show that he is more of a “buff man” as Nathan Drake. It was fun to see him be a bartender.

Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg had good chemistry and the latter’s character as a scoundrel you couldn’t trust who grows fond of a certain cat was fun to watch. There’s also a lot of double crossing in this game, so better watch who you trust!