Taking on Jessica Jones

As a self proclaimed writer, I always like challenging myself, you know, really writing something. I feel alive when the words are quickly forming in my head and rushing to get either on paper or online. There are times when I just need to write for the sake of it, just to get a post up, just because I need to. So when my Managing Editor assigned me to write about the new Marvel-Netflix series Jessica Jones, I was both excited and a bit apprehensive.

Excited, because I love every opportunity to get to put on my writing hat on and really get the juices flowing. Apprehensive because the series is critically acclaimed with every critic writing about it. People I look up to are either already done with the series or are currently watching it and have been raving about it on social media. So yes, writing about my opinions was a bit nerve wrecking.

I didn’t want to come across as naive or silly in my thoughts and opinions of the series and I guess that’s what had me staring at a black paper longer than usual.

In the end, once inspiration hit, the words came and I was able to fill up one page, then another, and another and before I knew it, I was done!

You can check out my Jessica Jones write up on www.flipgeeks.com 
or you can click on the link here.