Photography: Day 21 |Mid stretch

When at home, coming from a Sunday, I usually take the same type of photos. I was really running out of luck during weekends since light was flat and there wasn’t anything interesting.

I was roaming around the house and found this cat and was cozily laying on the laundry area, I snapped a few shots of her(yep a female feline) stretching and was lucky enough to catch her yawning.

As I keep using my phone with Lightroom CC, I’m surprised that the RAW files produced by the phone is pretty clear and workable. I really hate that I can’t change the aperture when on Manual mode.

About the shot:

Shot in the day under a shade on a sunny day, with a Huawei P9 on Manual mode.

EXIF data: 1/120s, ISO 80, 2.2/F @ 27mm. Shot on 1/21/2019 – 9:07AM.

Editted in Lightroom CC.