Photography: Day 6 | Stuck in traffic

Woke up on Sunday with a mindset that I have to get my shots down. Since this day, I’ll be busy with attending a press screening, and meet relatives that lived in overseas, with a baby in tow.

Travelling from home to the venue of the screening we were caught by a traffic right in front of another mall(SM East Ortigas), for some unknown reasons. I thought to myself to keep an eye out for a shot that I could use, and this is where I got the image.

About the shot:

Shot inside of the car in traffic on a sunny afternoon, with a Huawei P9 on Manual mode.

EXIF data: 1/204s, ISO 50, 2.2/F @ 27mm. Shot on 1/5/2019 – 2:48PM.

Edited in Snapseed,(significant cropping was done).