Photography: Day 91| Marcos highway

On a fine 1st of April, I find myself driving again along Marcos highway. My eye caught the clouds as they seem to be making way for the last of light to come through as the sun gradually sets.

I do not recommend shooting and driving at the same time though. Please be mindful to be always be safe and cautious when taking a photo.

When this was shot, the shadows were to dark as the P9’s camera can only give a bit of dynamic range compared to real cameras. I used Lightroom to recover and squeeze more out of the image.

About the Shot:

Shot at work with a Huawei P9 on Manual mode. EXIF data: 1/824s, ISO 50, 2.2/f, @27mm. Shot on 4/1/2019 – 4:39pm.

Edited in Lightroom CC.