Nifty Nails with Caronia!

There’s a side of me that loves nail polish. I love it because it’s an easy way to elevate your look, even a simple coat of paint can level up your entire ensemble or outfit. There was a time when I even reviewed nail polish on the blog, I called the posts “Nifty Nails“.

I have to admit I’m no Nail Art Master and there’s a lot to be said about my manicure skills and most of them aren’t good, which is a shame since my sister-in-law is really good at it too. 🙁 
Despite my lack of talent in applying nail polish I still love the art and I try to get my nails painted although my busy schedule (weekends are usually devoted to events and blogging) I haven’t been able to paint my nails lately (booooo!)

Caronia’s Blue Moon Collection 

When we attended Blogapalooza though I think my love for nail Polish was renewed when we visited the Caronia booth- I mean the brand Caronia is almost synonymous to nails. They’ve been at it for so long that everyone probably knows that famous jingle: 

“Caronia…Caronia…Your beauty shines with Caronia!” 

If you don’t remember that jingle then you were probably too young then..and I hate you for it (kidding!)
Yes-it was worth mentioning that 90’s jingle – but going back to 2014 I had fun at the Caronia booth, there was even this HUGE Nail Polosh you can take a selfie with ;> 
I think it’s also worth mentioning that portion of purchase of Caronia’s Blue Moon Collection goes to building the dreams of young dancers, as they have a partnership with Ballet Philippines. ^_^ 
You can find out more about helping supporting Ballet Philippine Foundation by visiting their social media sites and @caroniaph on Twitter and Instagram. 
Who knows I might be back to doing some Nifty Nails posts again and this time with Caronia’s help. 🙂