Etude House Product Haul

I haven’t done a product haul or a product review in a long time, mostly because well as I have already said before I really don’t have the budget to do so. When I was just starting out blogging I knew I wouldn’t be one of those make up, product review bloggers mostly because I can’t afford it but every time I do get a product haul I’d still do a blog post on it. 🙂 

So recently I made a trip to Etude House and thanks to my sister-in-law and cousins-in law picked up a few items, I just really believe in! 

Here’s what I got: 

Mascara Remover P198.00

I love this Mascara Remover so much that it’s more of a need purchase than a want purchase. It very effective with not just removing mascara but eye make up in general. 

I remember telling myself that I would just rather not put on any mascara or eye make up if I don’t have this Mascara Remover at hand. That’s how much I’m dependent on it and at P198.00 it surely is a good deal. 🙂 

Cotton Puff            P48.00

Of course you can’t have the ideal cleansing agent without the right applicator and Etude House’s Cotton Puff it is! It’s a flat cotton, square shaped that is ideal for removing eye make up. 🙂 At P48.00 for 80 pieces it’s not bad at all. 🙂 After all remember that it’s not just about buying the makeup but making sure that you get to remove it after. 

Oh~m Eye Liner    P248.00

What I love about Etude House is that their items come in different price ranges, there are the expensive ones and the not so expensive ones and for someone like me who buys make up on a budget that’s good news indeed. 

I’ve been needing to buy a liquid eyeliner for sometime now and I was really glad to see that Etude House has the Oh~m’ Eye Line for only P248.00. 

You can apply it easily without it drying up and ending up in clumps on your eye and there is no stinging painful sensation also! It stays long enough on your eyes as well. 🙂 Will probably post a photo of me in make up using this, but not for now since I’m sick and I’m not really up for dolling up or anything 😛