Enzo’s First Birthday

I met Mae in the office and we soon discovered that we both love photography. Mae herself shoots her photos and is well versed in photography terms enough to carry out a conversation with Paul. She was even our accidental seat mate in one of the seminars during the Digital Photographer Philippines event. Which is why is why we were really honored when she asked us to cover her son’s first birthday celebration.

Like us, Mae understands the importance of capturing memories and immortalizing them in photographs; and just like us she understands that it’s not as simple as using your mobile phone and clicking non-stop.

Remember that we are talking about memories here and its always a good idea to invest in great quality photos. It’s sad to think that some people are content with just taking a few low quality photos and uploading it on Social Media. With the advancement in technology we should take it upon ourselves not to settle for just any photos but to really look into having photos which will make us smile and bring us back to that moment, no matter how many years has already passed and beautiful photos can do that.

Thank you Mae for believing in us! As a fellow shutterbug that really means a lot! 🙂

Click here for more photos!