Events: Satchmi Fever

Can you believe its already been a year since Satchmi celebrated its first birthday? Well – now its time for their 2nd Anniversary celebration! I know! Time just goes by so fast!

For a little throwback on what went on during their first birthday just click here!

Now – let’s see what’s in store for the loyal customers and patrons of Satchmi for their 2nd Anniversary!

Great Music! 

If any of their past events have proved anything is that they always, always have great music and the lineup for their 2nd Anniversary is just as awesome!

I am in love with Toni B’s “Carnival” and I’m looking forward to hearing more of her songs and seeing her perform live.

We’ve seen and heard Tandems ’91 perform and it’s always a fun and crazy set when these boys are playing.

We haven’t head of “No Rome” yet and I’m curious as to his music and I just love how Satchmi brings in new artists to discover. It’s like when they make their line ups they make sure to bring in old favorites and new possibilities.

Exciting Launches!

Satchmi has launches in store! Such as “Film Folk” (for the photography and film lovers out there, I know Paul will be interested in this).  A “Satchmi Loyalty Card” (Yehey!), Vinyl Cleaning and Dewarping (Double Yehey!) as well as “Satchmi Beers” (this one is for Paul). 


The best kinds of parties are the ones when guests get to bring home gifts and well, Satchmi has a lot of fun freebies in store for guests and patrons! You can click on their event page here to check out more details and to say that you are also going of course!

I’m also looking forward to see how the party will go, given that it will be held in Satchmi’s bigger space! Remember that they already launched a cafe to go with the larger space. You can click here if you need a little refresher on that.

We actually have a wedding to go to on that day, in the afternoon so we will rush right after for the party. Hopefully the traffic won’t be too bad. So don’t be surprised if we appear to be a little over dressed.

Are you excited for the good kind of Fever with Satchmi’s 2nd Anniversary celebration? I know we are! #SatchmiFever