Fall Out Boy Night

If you guys are following the blog or following me on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook you would probably agree that I have been blogging/posting/tweeting about Fall Out Boy Night for some time already. 

While we have covered a number of different ‘band nights’ or ‘specialty nights’ as Kuya Monty would put them, Fall Out Boy Night was a bit more special to me since I had a hand in helping organize the event. (Allow me a little ‘blow my own horn’ moment here :D) I helped a bit with band line up as well as gathering sponsors for the event and even hosted the show. (I did a lot of hosting back in College so it was nice to be able to get to relive that again. :D) 

You can check out the original event announcement post by clicking here


Yuko starting things off with a bang! 
Band Nights are always fun because the crowd is just wild! They sing back to the songs that they love and they sing it with such fervor. There’s also a lot of clapping, jumping, dancing, slamming – it’s just crazy, crazy fun. Even if you come in the bar not knowing the people, you would definitely come out having gained new friends literally partied with people who love the same music as you do.  

Crazy Open Mic set with Trapeze 

Lot’s of Love for Paraluman 

Another great set from Circa for Band Night 

FOB PH Admins validating answers during the trivia games. 

Letter Day Story brings the ‘rock’ in rock band. 

As I said during the event, Band Nights are also extra special because it is a great opportunity to get to know local bands. Even if all the people gathered because of their love for Fall Out Boy, they are still able to witness the undeniable and amazing talent of our local bands. Ever since Paramore Night III we have been staunch supporters of local bands we have come to admire. Hopefully that would also be the same for the attendees of the event. 

Lots of movement from Juancho’s Back 

Some of the bands like Along Van Buren are still in College and I was really impressed as to how they are pursuing their passion for music event at a young age. There is indeed hope for OPM when there are more and more younger bands out there doing what they love. Just remember kids to stay in school! 😉 

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Open Mic. – where the fun never stops. 
Sometimes things really do have a funny way of working out – the vocalist of the last band that was lined up for the night Red Paradox was not able to make it to the event so there was an impromptu open mic, where anyone was welcome to come up to sing, play the guitar of play the drums and it was so much crazy fun. People didn’t want it to end chanting to: ‘Last Song!’ ‘Last Song!’ The event ended at around 2AM which was like the latest from all the events we’ve been too and it really ended on a high note. I personally think that all band nights should end this way.    
The night was made extra special with games and trivia where in people in the crowd won great Fall Out Boy merchandise from Amazeballs Merch, Adj. Works and Shirts from Fall Out Boy PH
You can tell these guys had a great time just by looking at their faces. 

For MORE photos of Fall Out Boy Night click HERE to view the album in the Facebook page! If you haven’t liked the Facebook page make sure that you do! 🙂 

Click here for details on The Yellow Room Night and make sure to follow the blog for more exciting event announcements!