Female Fronted Bands does not mean PARAMORE

No. They are not all like Hayley Williams or Paramore. 
I’ve always had a frustrated feeling whenever I see this equation: 

Female Vocalist + Band + (any form/type) of Rock = Paramore

I mean seriously, can we get any more narrow minded? There is more to a female fronted band than just being like Paramore. I cuss, swear and foam at the mouth every time I read a comment that goes: Kaboses niya si Hayley or ‘Hayley Williams ng Pilipinas’. I mean are you guys that limited with your musical exposure that you cannot think of anything else when you see or hear a female fronted band except as to compare them to Paramore and/or Hayley Williams?

Don’t get me wrong – I’m a big Hayley Williams fan myself and Paramore is one of my favorite bands (I have all of their four albums, and was lucky enough to attend their two concerts in Manila- so yeah I know what I’m talking about) so being compared to them wouldn’t be such a bad thing in fact it would be a compliment. But if and when the only thing that you see is Paramore or Hayley every time you look or listen at a female fronted band then you are not really seeing and listening to this band for what they really are and that is what frustrates me the most.   

I am writing this with OPM female fronted bands in mind, if you have been following me and if you’ve been reading the blog you would have come across a post or two about an OPM band that I admire. 

Stop. And REALLY Listen. Julz Savard of Save Me Hollywood during
12 Stone Music Fest and
Save Me Hollywood: Your Story To Tell Album Launch – June 1, 2013. 

I was finally convinced to write this blog post when I read this article from Alter The Press

You can read the gist of the article below – and that’s just the first paragraph. 

“For over a decade, Hayley Williams has been proving the critics wrong. Sexism and a male-dominated music industry immediately labelled Paramore as just another No Doubt copycat. Critics were quick to compare Hayley to Gwen Stefani, unable to see beyond her gender and see that she’s less Stefani and more Freddie Mercury, especially during live performances, when she electrifies crowds like a thunder storm of bubble-gum spunk and roaring vocals.”

This post has actually been sitting in our blog and has been saved as a draft for a long time. I started writing this when the Alter The Press article came out. 

I’ve been seeing, hearing, reading comments, thoughts of bands being compared to Paramore. 

Just recently OPM memes, came out with this meme of Gracenote. 

I mean seriously – that’s just unfair. Vocalist Eunice Jorge, hauls a violin and keyboard on stage, she plays the guitars and drums too! 

I actually miss seeing these guys perform live because I have and to actually just box them as Paramore really is being narrow minded. Looking at the comments I was happy to see people I know. 

Behind the smoke – she’s just Eunice of Gracenote -They’re just Gracenote. Not anyone else.
Taken during the Rakista Radio: Jam Tayo! Event last July 19, 2013. 

Pat Poblador guitarist of Mad Hatter Day says: Listen to our music, appreciate it for what it is, Stop comparing.  Take note of what Chin-Chin Detera of Estrella and Beating The Red Lights says: Syncho-Pop, Punk, Rock, Alternative comment – yes Gracenote plays Synco-Pop. Gracenote is a whole lot of genres and not simply ‘The Paramore of the Philippines’ they are Gracenote, they are not trying to be anybody else. 

Happy to see my fellow music lovers and supporters Dien Agustin and Netly Yataka give their take as well and these are from people I mosh with in the pits at gigs and give sweaty hugs to when we see each other in bars. We are in the front lines, in the trenches we know what we’re talking about. 

Push came to shove to finish this when I woke up and saw this post on Facebook. (If you’ve been following you would know that I am a fan of Mad Hatter Day and Save Me Hollywood). 

I was sooo mad – sleepiness left and I grabbed a notebook by our bed and began madly scribbling (complete with chicken scrawl handwriting) and you can see my reply in the screenshot above. 

I mean the audacity of this guy to actually post this on Mad Hatter Day’s page?! I mean talk about disrespect! Imagine someone going to your home and telling your younger brother or sister that they sucked. Because that’s sure what it felt like for me. And as an overprotective older sister I just had to give this guy a piece of my mind. 

I actually lost sleep because of this post. After fuming and posting my reply, I pretty much lay on the bed waiting for the alarm to start blaring. After my anger (yes-anger) subsided, looking back at this post, I would just have to change the ‘take a few courses in music’ part. I myself didn’t take any – except for the one in school but I continually immerse myself in different types and genres of music. 

STOP Comparing. Mewa Cawad of Mad Hatter Day – Greenlight Music Fest – November 12, 2013.

I listen to many different bands and artists. Female fronted acts on my playlist include: Paramore, Cherri Bomb, The Pretty Reckless, Tonight Alive, We Are The In Crowd, Renfue, The Veronicas, even older bands like: Hole, No Doubt, Veruca Salt, Sixpence None The Richer, and we are only talking about foreign bands and these are just the ones that are on the top of my head. I also listen to Japanese female fronted bands: Tricot, Scandal, supercell, The Scanty, Judy And Mary, 7!! Oops. And as for OPM well obviously we have Mad Hatter Day, Save Me Hollywood, Midnight Meetings, Gracenote, Circa, Paraluman, Ferown, Paramita, Up Dharma Down, Drive Me To Juliet, Session Road, Imago, Moonstar 88, Techyromantics, Flying Ipis – bet you didn’t know there were that many female fronted OPM bands out there huh? 

My point being – EXPOSE yourself to music and when I say expose, I mean listen to different music – all kinds and sorts. Once you start investing time to listening to different bands, I doubt if you’ll be making accusations like ‘ginagaya ang Paramore’. You can make comparisons like having similarities or influences to a certain song, a drum roll, a bass line, a guitar rift but to go ahead and assume or conclude that a band is copying another band is unfair. Unless they really are of course (ahem…Chicser/1D). 

And to the person who made this post and to all other people commenting, posting on a similar wavelength, because there are. I know, I’ve seen them and I’ve just let them pass. I challenge you all, if you really are doing research catch these supposed “Paramore copycats” in a gig. Go to a show and see them perform live then you can make your conclusions. 

May I ask how many songs from the band have you actually listened too? One? Two? Then wouldn’t it be unfair to make that conclusion by just listening to one or two songs? 

These bands are pouring their sweat, blood and tears to make music that we can proudly call our own. It’s hard work and they don’t need crap like that from people like you. It really is all about perception — 

Me and my baby brother with Mewa Cawad of Mad Hatter Day – just as she got off the stage after a gig. I make sure to expose my brother to great OPM muisc, I bring him along to gigs and recommend bands to listen too. In the photo- Mewa’s sweaty and her hair is a mess cause she bangs her head like there’s no tomorrow and to us, the fans – she’s just as beautiful. 🙂 

Putting Boxes

It’s like when you listen to female fronted bands and all you hear is Hayley and Paramore, it’s because you refuse to hear anything else. 

Destroy these boxes, these labels, remove the blindfolds, take off the preconceived notions, open your ears and minds- get a new perspective and really, really listen to them to who they are, where they’ve been and what they are saying. Stop the comparisons, a hint or an influence is different from being the entire entity. 

Stop the labels, stop the boxing – let them be who they really are and if you still refuse to leave your narrow world then there is the door- get out.    

All photos of OPM bands in this post were taken by my husband in gigs we’ve been too. Coz Yup – I’ve been watching these bands. I have their EPs and albums, so yes – I know what I’m talking about. 

(c) Pcheng Photography.