Going YESSS, YAMAN with my 4 Pre-Loved Items!!

If you knew me, you’d probably be wondering why I have a copy of Katy Perry’s PRISM album, we’ll actually there’s a funny story to that. We were actually asked to cover the PRISM album launch last year. Blog post on that here and during the launch you can actually win a brand new LG phone if you get a copy of the album along with other COVER GIRL goodies. (I didn’t win the raffle though T_T) 

So that’s actually the reason why I’m selling the album now. 

After all I’ve already synced it on my iTunes. Okay so there were a a couple of nice tracks in it. So while that’s already done, the CD is just sitting with my other CDs. 

I want to support music as much as I can and that means buying CDs whenever the budget allows it. But now that I really don’t get to listen to the album I guess it would be smart of me to sell it. :p 

I’m a big bookworm and I try to make it a point to always have a currently reading book and that means buying books too. 🙂 I always believe that books are good investment since they help me become a better writer and they of course keep me entertained. 

I like collecting books also but I remember a number of my books getting wet and destroyed during Ondoy and ever since then I’ve always thought of selling them after I’ve read them. So that’s why I’m also selling these pre-loved books. 

The Mortal instruments: The City of Bones 



It’s interesting to note that all these books have their movie versions also :p 

These books kept me company and entertained during the times when I was reading them, so now. I want other people to experience the same joy, sadness, excitement and other feelings that came with reading these books. 🙂

You know you’re being ‘wais’ and street smart when you can cash out on items, you have lying around but you never really use anymore. Let’s admit it you have a couple of those, under your bed, under piles of stuff in your closets, if you probably do a little spring cleaning you’d find tons of stuff you can sell. 

These may be something which you may have bought on a whim, or something that you don’t use anymore and is just occupying space. You might have thought of selling them at one time but then you think to yourself ‘How are you going to sell it?’ Or maybe that you don’t have the time to sell it, well good thing OLX can help you go Yes Yaman! With your pre-loved items. 

So look around you and start looking for money and going -Yes Yaman! With your pre-loved items! Thanks to OLX 🙂