Loop’s Flirting with the Universe Album Review

If we’re friends on Facebook you probably already know that Paul and i have been going gaga over a certain Iligan based band – Loop!  

I always think that the universe has a funny things of making things work out – since I believe that it was a great time to discover this band (thanks to Amplify.ph <3) since they just came out with their debut full length album Flirting With The Universe

One of my favorite ideas (and one of the things I like to think about when I’m feeling down) about Paulo Coelho’s ‘The Alchemist’ is the idea that when there is something that you really, really want, nay, desire, the Universe will conspire for it to happen. This is the reason why I love the album title – Flirting With The Universe I find it very profound, daring and dangerous as if you are playing with fire. But I guess that’s just my literary self going on overdrive. (you can hear the lyrics ‘flirting with the universe’ in the track – Rainmakers)

I was lucky enough to get a digital copy of the album following it’s July 12 release in Iligan and we just love it! Even if the songs in the album, bring back memories of candle lit evenings due to the onslaught of Glenda’s strong winds. It’s a great chill album that tugs at the heartstrings. 

The album is a testament to the essence of Indie music and showcases the genuine talent of these young up and coming musicians. The songs are well written and the techniques displayed are sure to give pop acts a run for their money. 

One of the things that I immediately noticed in the album is that songs that have already been released in videos and are available to listen to online have been re-recorded and re-mastered in the album, offering new versions of songs you’ve already loved before. Just goes to show that these guys are not lazy and continually improve on their art by giving fans and listeners new sides to their songs. 

It’s not a case of this song is okay, let’s just stick with it forever. Nope. Loop is too good for that kind of mentality and by doing so continue to impress fans of their music. 

Here are the songs in the album, I included, videos, links of where you can listen to the songs just so you can see/hear what all the fuss is about with this amazing band. Remember that the album has remastered versions of these tracks so you’d still better get a copy of the album 😉 I also will deliberately (and I am stopping myself here) not give out descriptions on all songs in the album, as I want to leave more for the imagination. 😀 

Peppermint Mocha 

Does anyone know the Marketing people from Starbucks? Because they should really use this amazing, amazing song in their stores or their marketing – every time I listen to it I want a Peppermint Mocha! And yes – I’m serious about that, if anyone knows anyone who can make it happen, let me know. Video below! 



A song that resounds with regret and just makes you want to grab a box of tissue and start crying. Julia showcases a beautiful organic duet that is sure to bring the waterworks especially when used in a Romantic Movie. You can listen to the track here


My favorite track of their album, literally had it on repeat. I love the progression of the song and Kim just hits those notes so sweetly and without effort. You can listen to it on Soundcloud – just click on the link!  


I first came across Loop through Amplify.ph – where I first heard their song – Adorable. You can actually download their whole EP on Amplify.ph and also support the band at the same time! Just visit Amplify.ph – click here

Appalled and Disgusted 

Vocalist Kim Trinidad tells me that this song is for dad <3 You can listen to this song – here. 🙂 

The Rainmakers 

So what are you guys waiting for?! If you can spend P400-P500 for a foreign CD then you can surely support a well deserving OPM act! You can place your Flirting With The Universe Orders Here! 

Paul and I are just dying to catch this guys in a gig or show and even if they are based in Iligan – I know that it will happen. These guys have the talent to back it up, and remember the whole Universe Conspiracy thing I mentioned earlier ? Well – here’s to you Universe, take a hint, don’t wait for me to flirt with you – I’m a married woman! 😉