Movie Musings: One Piece Movie Z

Got to watch One Piece Movie Z last Sunday and I must say that this is going to be an interesting movie review mostly because well, honestly I don’t follow the anime series and the manga but before you dismiss me as not being credible enough to write this movie review, I did bring along my partner-in-crime who is a big One Piece fan and who follows both the series and the manga- of course none other than the husband – Paul! 

So it will really be an interesting movie review indeed since you have the thoughts of both someone who doesn’t follow the series and from someone who does. 

Well let me start of by saying that even if you don’t follow the series you would definitely enjoy the movie- I know I did. Of course there would be a little coaching here and there from Paul but I was able to pretty much follow the story and I really enjoyed it. 

The movie begins with an almost too soothing song number that even reminded me of Pippin’s singing in LOTR: Return of the King. The soothing song then transitions into amazing fast paced fight scenes with equally amazing animation and the movie is pretty much one big fight after the next. 

One Piece Movie Z is definitely a must-see in cinemas watching it online from your PC will not do it any justice, it will be a real shame.The incorporation of 3D graphics into the animation was seamless and was basically a light show of amazing proportions. 

The sound effects used were crisp and clear and watching it in the movie house in full Dolby surround sound was such a pleasure to the ears. Your PC speakers cannot in anyway compensate for the amazing sound that only a cinema can bring. 

While the effects, animation, fight scene and sound effects were very impressive, the movie was lacking in the usual depth and emotional investment usually found in the series as pointed out by Paul. I would assume that this would be expected given that it would be next to impossible to invest in characters and a story given the duration of the movie. It was just a tad bit disappointing since the usual lengthy and detailed back stories in the series felt hurried and sandwiched in the movie.  

The usual humor that is found in the series was still very much evident which was a good balance to the mostly action packed scenes. 

One thing about the movie? There were definitely a lot of surprises here and there – the surprises mostly come at the end, so sit back and be amazed. I don’t even want to blog about who sang the ending theme and what the ending themes were because they are a BIG surprise you just have to wait until the end and please for those of you who have seen the movie don’t spoil it for those who haven’t :p I know I was surprised and I don’t want to rob that feeling for those of you who haven’t seen it yet. There was even a great opening sequence which is not common in Anime movies. 

As I said on Twitter and on Facebook, the fight scenes alone are enough reason to catch the movie in cinemas. Please note though that it should be in cinemas, this movie is for a cinema experience and not a download, or stream watching in front of your PC – it simply will not do it any justice. 

Make sure to catch One Piece Movie Z exclusively at SM Cinemas. It is brought to you by Movie Punch. Follow them on Twitter @movie_punch and like them on Facebook