Movie Review: Term Life

This is one of those instances where the movie poster screwed the movie over (excuse my French). You see, the poster makes it appear as if “Term Life” is another take on the Liam Neeson-bad-ass-dad-rescues-kidnapped-daughter “Taken”, when in fact they are two very different movies. 
There are two possible reactions to the movie poster. It’s either a) “It’s another ‘Taken’ rip off (scoffs) I’m not seeing this” or b) “Hey! It’s just like ‘Taken’-let’s go see it!” -either way, it’s really unfair to the film. So I don’t know what the layout artist was thinking when the layout was made for the movie but by the looks on the comments section on Social Media, you can see that majority of the reactions is a). Which just goes to show the importance of a movie poster. 
The tag lines in the poster say: “His Daughter is Taken. Saving her, will take a special set of skills.” First of all, no one is “Taken”. Vince Vaughn creates plans for heists and jobs, which he sells to thieves. When a job goes wrong, he is on the run and takes his estranged teenage daughter (with boobs) with him. So see? So far away from “Taken”. 
Term Life takes a while to warm up at you (if it ever does) and I honestly thought it was a bad B movie. It has it’s good parts around some rough patches but was still watchable. 
People might get confused as to whether this is an action and/or comedy, especially with Vince Vaughn, in a bad wig, is in the lead. But remember his performance in Season 2 of HBO’s “True Detective” ? So yes, Vaughn has more in his sleeve than just comedies. 
In Term Life, Vaughn (Nick) is a calculating architect for heists and robberies, he delivers this in a Mac Gyver -(Robert Downey Jr.) Sherlock kind of way. When a recent job Vaughn has sold goes wrong, he is on the run and takes his estranged teenage daughter (Hailee Steinfeld)  Cate with him. 
Much of the movie, focuses on the father-daughter relationship, which starts off as difficult since Cate has never spent really known her father. Although Nick has always thought of his daughter, sending the income from plans he sells for Cate. It is hilarious and touching how the two seemingly stumble around each other and try to catch up for all the time lost. 
While the father and daughter enjoy ice cream while plotting bakery robberies, there are of course outside forces who hold Nick responsible for the botched job. Pretty soon the Mexican cartel, corrupt cops and a shotgun-wielding Sherrif are after Nick and Cate. 
5 out of 10 for me, mostly because there is little if no chemistry at all between Vaugn and Stenfield. 
If you are fans of both actors and of the TV Show “Empire” you should go and see the movie. 
“Term Life” is now showing in cinemas.