Paramore Album Buyout!

Free arm band (baller) per album purchase. 
I’d like to thank my hand models Netly and Chai <3 

There was a time when walking into a record store to pick up an album seemed impractical. First there was the problem with piracy- being able to grab a copy of a CD at a cheaper price seemed to be more appealing, so many stalls of pirated CDs/DVDs came sprouting at every corner. Then a new kind of pirate came along and that is the digital pirate – downloads soon became too easily available over the internet. Imagine not even having to leave the house to get a copy of a new song or a new album. 

The music industry though damaged through piracy was able to bounce back through digital downloads and iTunes, now fans can download the songs and albums that they want (legally). While the future of the industry seemed pretty set on these digital downloads – nothing beats walking into your favorite record store to grab a copy of your favorite band’s new album 

– Hayley Williams of Paramore said as much, though I can’t remember her exact words and I was surprised because I actually experienced first hand what she meant by that. 

Last April 13, 2013, Saturday- Odyssey had an Album Launch/Album buyout for Paramore’s new and can I say much awaited self titled album. There were promises of live performances and lovely (oh so lovely!) prizes (Yeah! I’m still looking at you Marshall headphones!) You can check out their official promotional poster here

The Laraza band
There were lots of live performances and the bands delivered as promised, great acoustic yet powerful renditions of Paramore’s song from their different albums (yes even the new one). First up was The Laraza band who even performed ‘Use Somebody’ by Kings of Leon – Paramore also did an acoustic cover of that song. 
The winners 

The games were hilariously fun and fans tried their best at bouts of ‘Pinoy Henyo’ and ‘Name that tune’ plus raffle draws for great prizes- Shirts from Gnarley, a GC from Draven and (for the love of—) Marshall headphones!!! 

Looking around the crowd you would see that it was not just Paramore fans who were in attendance and watching the performances even curious onlookers – moms with their kids (no cussing Netly!) were there and looking at the kids watch in awe makes me hope that they would somehow get into music because of the performances. 

The next band that performed was Stratosdays and what can I say – Sarah Sayson AKA Saramore really killed it. Mr. Mohawk whoever you are – you need to have a brain shoved up between your eyes and you need to clean out your ears. This girl and Stratosdays in general is amazing! Find out more about their band by liking Stratosdays on Facebook- just click here
Southern lights

Last but definitely not the least was Southern Lights who started nice and slow with their choice of Paramore songs but pretty much had the whole crowd cheering in the end. Lovely Mich sans the curls on her hair even performed new songs from the album which was apt since everyone was there to grab a copy. 
You can like Southern Lights on their Facebook page here

Southern Lights with Monty Macalino of Mayonnaise and Emz from Undecided/YUKO

And as if by a change in roles Mich asked #AngSikatPeroNdiSnob (ang Kuya ng Bayan) Sir Monty Macalinao of Mayonnaise to join them for an impromptu jam and she even called up fellow female front – Emz of Undecided/YUKO to join them. I just love the photo above which shows smiles, laughter and music from the impromptu formed group. 

To find out why it was a reversal of roles and for more Parajamming and more information on Paramore Night – click here

We are (Para) Family: Paramore fans and friends after the evet with their newly purchased albums. 

It was so much fun hanging out with the Manila based Parafamily – there was even a sharing of brownies to the crowd. For me it was the very definition of being a family – who got together because of their shared love of music and Paramore. 

Through these album launches and album buyouts Odyssey has ingeniously brought what music does – bringing people together. I applaud them and congratulate the organizer Camille Rivera for a (in my opinion) very successful album buyout.  

For MORE photos of the event just go to and check out the album on the Facebook page here

So happy that the photo above currently has 126+ likes on the Paramore Philippines page. 🙂 I think it’s a great photo that summarizes what music can bring together-friendship and a family you can call your own.