Terminator 2 DVD Feature

There was this Movie Trivia sheet that was going around in the office and of course being a self-proclaimed a Movie Maven (and a bit competitive) I was excited to get right to answering the sheet.

This was how it worked: you would guess the movie from which a quote or a line was said and among the different lines that were asked, this one stood out: “Hasta La Vista Baby” of course this was a very easy question since it’s mostly common knowledge that the line came from the Terminator franchise, how did I know it was from the second movie and not the first one ? Well there was a question in the trivia sheet that went: “I’ll be back”. Which I know came from the first Terminator movie since I finally got to re-watch it on Star Movies after searching (in vain) for the first movie on DVD. Logic also told me that “Hasta La Vista Baby” was something the T800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) could have learned from a teenage John Connor therefore Terminator 2: Jusgement Day, So I got two answers on the trivia sheet 🙂 
Seeing those lines reminded me that I still haven’t watched the Terminator 2 DVD I got for only P100.00 from Eastwood Mall 🙂 
So when I got home I immediately placed the DVD on the player and got to relive (becasue I already saw it) one of the most well known movie franchises in pop culture history. 
The second movie takes place a few years after the first one ends. Sarah Conor (Linda Hamilton) is in a psychiatric facility (talking about the rise of the machines and a war in the future can land you in places like that). Her son John Connor (Edward Furlong) -the future hope of mankind is a rebellious teenager in the care of foster parents. Destiny catches up with the mother and son when the liquid metal, shape shifting T-1000 (Robert Patrick) is sent to the past to kill the young John Connor. An unknown hero is also sent from the future to stop the T-1000 and it’s none other than the original antagonist of the first movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s revamped T-800 who has been reprogrammed to protect the Connors instead of trying to kill them. 

A cult classic that should be part of any home movie collection Terminator 2: Judgement Day on DVD for P100.00 is a steal! Too bad there weren’t extra features on it though 🙁 

Still it’s a good time to catch up on your Terminator lore with the new movie Terminator Genisys coming out in July of 2015 (30 years after the original ‘The Terminator’ came out in 1985.) but instead of doing a reboot, the franchise is going to take a new twist in the story. Which is probably why it would be a good idea for you to review your Terminator terms and timelines so you don’t sit in the movie house with your mouth open. 
Looking forward to this since Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) is putting on her leather jacket and will be wielding guns as the new Sarah Connor. Not so sure about Jai Courtney as the new Kyle Reese though- let’s wait and see how the Divergent alum does when the movie comes out. 
Jurassic World is another movie from the past that is making a comeback and will be on cinemas on June 10, 2015. I saw an original boxed set of the Jurassic Trilogy for only P300.00 in Eastwood! It’s the Magnavision kiosk across Fully Booked at the fourth floor of the Eastwood Mall. That’s actually my next target 🙂 hoping to acquire it before the 10th of June! 
Emilia Clarke as the new Sarah Connor and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the new Terminator Genisys (2015). 
Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original 1984 The Terminator.