Dora and the Lost City of Gold – is Meta Smart and hits Gold! An enjoyable movie for the whole family.

Image courtesy of UIP

When I first heard bout a “Dora the movie” I wasn’t jumping up and down with excitement, first of all its not of my generation. I do have nieces and nephews who grew up learning from the little explorer. A special memory is Paul doing a whole “Swiper no swipping” play with his nephew and now Swiper is on the big screen being voiced by none other than Benecio Del Toro! Nobody can say they saw that coming.

I came into the Press Screening for Dora not expecting much, although the reviews have already been positive, well, I’m glad to say that I enjoyed the movie so much that I still crack up at the jokes, days after seeing it.

DORA AND THE LOST CITY OF GOLD” was an enjoyable and charming trip down memory lane.

L-r, Nicholas Coombe, Isabela Moner, Madeleine Madden and Jeffrey Wahlberg star in Paramount Pictures, Paramount Players and Nickelodeon Movies “Dora and the Lost City of Gold.” Image courtesy of UIP

Probably the best and smartest translation of a children’s show to the big screen, I kid you not.

The writers ingeniously took the essence of the show and translated it on the big screen, even the small bits and pieces, such as Dora breaking the 4th wall and teaching her audience a bit of Spanish.

“Can you say delicioso?” – she asks to no one in particular, while eating dinner.

“She’ll grow out of it” her father, Michael Pena says. Speaking of Michael Pena, his impersonation of a Rave party is cinema gold.

Image courtesy of UIP

Isabela Moner is perfect as Dora, her optimism and “go-to” attitude is so refreshing. I love that it’s a bit “Indiana Jones” and “Tomb Raider’ for kids. I even had this interesting thought that as a kid, I grew up watching” Indiana Jones” with those images of gruesome deaths and eating Monkey brains. (I love that Dora does get her Indy moment in the movie). Kids today will be able to watch an age appropriate explorer, and have a movie where no one dies, even if they fall from cliffs or even when the treasure is stolen, no arrows come shooting from walls impaling anybody.

I also enjoyed Dora’s time in the” other jungle” aka High School and dealing with the “indigenous people” you know, her classmates. During her short stint in school she deals with trying to be herself, no matter how hard that can be at times, being that she’s an explorer and all. I particularly loved the line where she says that in the Jungle, she’s by herself but never feels alone, while in school, she’s surrounded by people but feels all alone. I love that! At 33 years of age, I still get that feeling.

I wouldn’t mind another movie where she stays in High School.

L-R, Jeff Wahlberg, Madeleine Madden and Isabela Moner star in “Dora and the Lost City of Gold.” | Image courtesy of UIP

Danny Trejo as Boots and Benecio Del Toro as Swiper are a treat from a movie that is a gift that keeps on giving. If you’re thinking that this movie is just for kids, you’ve got it wrong. Adults will LOL and enjoy it as well.
