Photography: Baptism: Ser Jacob

For some reason, I stopped blogging about the different event coverages and photo shoots that we (or Paul rather) does. Not that it was planned or anything, things just got busy (most probably) and while, we have been blessed with a number of commissions for the past few weeks, I realized that I should also get back to writing about them. So here I am! 

First, we have Ser Jacob’s Christening; I’m not sure if his full name is a shout out to how George R.R. Martin wrote the “Game of Thrones” books, as someone who has read the books, I know that ‘Ser’ is how the knights were addressed in the book~if that is the case then creativity points go to his parents!

I wasn’t so sure about what to write about the event, given that I wasn’t even there but as I was looking through the photos, I realized how as a parent (naks!) time is indeed a fleeting moment. Just earlier we were  buying clothes for Luke and I realized that before we used to buy small newborn clothes for him and now we’re buying clothes for 9-12 months! (huhuhu) 

I suddenly missed how small Luke was before, he’s big now and wrestles his poor mom. Have you seen his legs?! Just one leg drop will make you catch your breath! He also has this habit of throwing his full weight on you and just landing on you-completely taking the breath out of you (and not in the good way).

So yes moms and dads, hold your little ones tighter and longer, smell their baby smell and treasure it. Make sure to celebrate the little things as well (includes Baptism) and always make sure to have beautiful photos taken to capture these moments~that will be over before you know it!

Well what do you know, my sentimental side got the best of me (as it always does) and I was able to reflect and write about an important reminder from Ser Jacob’s lovely baptism photos! Thank you Mommy and Daddy for trusting us and here’s to more and more happy memories!
Click here for more photos.