“Tara Kain Tayo&quot” Made Easier with OpenSnap

Bobby Box in Eastwood Libis (where I work) is a great place to eat for us who work the night shift. They open early (7AM) which is perfect since we get off work at 8AM. The interior is really pretty with brick walls, colorful Bobby Box art on the wall, wood paneled ceilings and even K-Pop music videos playing on a white screen for that contemporary Korean feel.
Their meals (rice box meals) range from P109.00-P159.00 add about P20.00+ for drinks. Paul is happy that they have beer available. San Mig Light for P55.00 is a great deal! Sometimes we get funny looks when we’re ordering beer at 8:00AM but remember since we work the night shift this is our 8:00PM so to speak.
Bulgogi Box (Spicy) at P159.00
You can’t imagine how much trouble we have when we try to look for a place to eat with our nocturnal schedule. Sometimes my office mates and I would go through hours of arguments of where to eat but thanks to OpenSnap “Tara Kain Tayo” would be so much easier. 
Through OpenSnap you can search for restaurants to try out, you can search through key words like what kind of food you are looking for (pasta, burger, Japanese) or by location. You can also just search for the restaurant you are looking for.
OpenSnap is a perfect app for Foodies aside from discovering great new food finds it also serves as a platform for you to post and share your #foodporn photos! You can also review establishments you’ve visited to help friends decide whether this place is their next food trip. You can also search for newly opened restaurants in your area as well as what the Editor’s picks and recommendations are. For us night owls there is a whole section for which establishments are open 24 Hours! 

It’s an easy app to use and navigate through – no more arguing where to eat with OpenSnap  Tara! Kain tayo! 
For more restaurants and food finds, download OpenSnap app from App Store or Google Play.