Photography: Day 8 | From here to there

So where do I begin, it has been a few days since I have uploaded this, currently on the 12th of January as I pick up on writing.

My wife read a blog post featured by a major NEWS company here in the Philippines, and found that the write up caused her some headache(figuratively). Her words about the post – “the article was like it was written by a child”.

Harsh, but I catch what she’s saying. With that said, I have to keep writing to improve. I know, writing is not my thing but I do what I can to send my message(hope it goes through though). So here I am making a conscious effort to write and improve.

A writer that I listened in a podcast episode to write what ever and keep writing. Eventually you’ll improve. And so this will be my process.

Much like photography, I kept shooting almost everyday until I got some paying gigs, and contacts that made what we do all worth our while.

Earlier in the week I spoken with a friend in social media and was curious about his post processing. He usually shoots with his Mobile phone, same model but his output was sharp, clear and a lot less grainy.

So I hit him up with a private message and asked how he did it. He gave me an album on his social media page on how he does his processing on mobile and that’s when I encountered Lightroom CC on mobile.

I used Lightroom CC before and wasn’t really getting what I want, but playing with it after a long time, I now find it better that before. Maybe it’s because I just wasn’t able to come around and explore much.

About the shot:

Shot in the room in a hazy afternoon, with a Huawei P9 on Manual mode.EXIF data: 1/400s, ISO 160, 2.2/F @ 27mm. Shot on 1/8/2019 – 7:18AM.

Edited in Ligthroom CC