Music: Carly Rae Jepsen Is More than “Call Me Maybe”

Confession. I used to be one of those people who thought of Carly Rae Jepsen of just the “Call Me Maybe” one hit-viral girl but I became a “Jepsen convert” and was baptized into the Church of Carly Rae Jepsen when Paul’s nephew asked for a copy of Jepsen’s Emotion album as a present. We got a copy at a record store and popped it in the car’s CD player, mind you, I still had my doubts but it was on that Saturday afternoon car ride that I had a change of heart and I have been a Carly Rae Jepsen fan ever since.

I still maintain that Emotion is one of Pop’s most underrated albums. I love it and still find myself singing and dancing to its songs. So just imagine my delight when news of a brand new album from the Queen hit and I must say that her follow up Dedicated did not disappoint.

Its first track is the easy going Julien about a former lover, she sings:

Another bad dream when you were running away
I’m forever haunted by our time
We had a moment, we had a summertime

Jepsen says that she did have a former lover named “Julien” and she always thought of his name as having a musical sound to it, hence the song.

Party for One is the ultimate break up song, in such a way that not only does it deal with the heartbreak of break up but there is also healing in the song, even if it is a Party (just) for One. I think it also celebrates that its okay to be alone. People may give you weird looks when you eat alone or when you watch a movie alone, but it can really be liberating and it really is not a crime.

Party for one
If you don’t care about me
I’ll just dance for myself
Back on my beat

Too Much is such a fun, self aware and unapologetic song, where you just know that everything that you do is a little over board and it just gives fair warning to anyone who wants to get a piece of you.

I’ll do anything to get to the rush
Now I’m dancing, and I’m dancing too much
So be careful if you’re wanting this touch
‘Cause if I love you, then I love you too much

Dedicated may not have as much as highs and punch in the air moments as Emotion (Run Away With Me, Making the Most of the Night) but it is still an enjoyable album throughout and a satisfying follow up, which will surely keep her fans, well dedicated. So big thanks to Jonas for re-introducing Carly Rae Jepsen to me, you never really should judge a pop star by their break out single.

Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Dedicated” Tour in Manila

Carly Rae Jepsen Goes to Manila

Good news to all of Jepsen’s fans who have been eagerly waiting to sing and dance along to their Queen as she is slated to have a concert on the 23rd of October at the New Frontier Theater. Tickets are now on SALE! You can purchase your tickets via

You can read more about her upcoming Manila show here.