Going in Loops over Loop

Crazy over Iligan City based band Loop

Paul and I have six years in between us and in this six years comes differences in tastes and preference in music from time to time. I was the angsty punk rock kid who was into Paramore while he was the cool cat who’s favorite band is 311. 

Over the years, I would say that we have influenced each other and just recently Paul said that my taste in music has grown more diverse and coming from him – it really means a lot. 

That statement came when we were both listening to an OPM band I just had recently discovered; the Iligan based band Loop thanks  to Amplify.ph! 

One of the things I love about Amplify.ph (there are many) is that I get to discover amazing new artists. During my recent trip to their website I discovered Loop <3. 

I’m actually pretty torn when a local act is not based in Manila (like Drive Me To Juliet – who is based in Cebu) I mean, I love discovering a new local act, I just hate not being able to catch them in gigs and shows. 

I just love that they put Iligan in all of their social media handles as if they are screaming loud and proud that they are sons and daughters of the city of Iligan. 

But when you think about it – in the 7,107 islands that we have there are bound to be amazing talent just waiting to be discovered. And while catching them in a gig seems far fetched at the moment at least there’s the internet and amazing sites like www.amplify.ph.com to help quench this thirst for amazing local music. 

Even if Loop is not my staple and usual punk-rock choice in the Music Menu – as I said earlier, my taste in music has started to evolve and change and I’ve started to bravely try other things on the Music Menu and I’m just loving how Loop tastes  err I mean sounds. :p 

Reminiscent of The Sundays a band which Paul has a high regard for, Loop is a whole new ball park in OPM, right now I can’t put my hand on what genre Loop is (they’re definitely Indie but their use of other styles and instruments makes each song different and unique) but I guess that’s what sets them apart from other bands out there. 

Their music has this feel of haunting and longing that leaves you wanting for more. It makes you feel happy and safe as if you are wrapped in a warm blanket with a hot cup of Peppermint Mocha (pun intended) in hand. 

I think it would be better for you to check them out on your own and decide for yourself but they definitely have our seal of approval! Four Thumbs Up! *Two thumbs from me and two from Paul* 

Check out their video Lite below! 

You can actually purchase their self titled EP on bandcamp here 

If you’ve been following the blog, you would have probably already read that I prefer physical copies of EPs and albums (yeah I’m old fashioned that way) so for now I’ll just count on my lucky stars to have a physical copy of their EP – who knows.  😉 

Loop’s self titled EP. 

Even if there are literally miles and islands between here and Iligan I get excited and look forward to the rise and success of this local act – just because they’re so good that they deserve it. 

You can check out some of their cool tracks (which I highly recommend-obviously here

Like them on their Facebook page here 
Make sure to go to their Official Website here