Weekend Photographer: HDR in Eastwood City

Weekend Photographer is my blog post for my instant projects during my rest days.  My rest days varies sometimes in the weekend, other times in the middle of the week.  My wife doesn’t tag along in these self projects, so I’ll try my very best to write down what I’ve experienced during these weekend projects.  Just another addition to the many blog posts here, hope you guys like and enjoy.  Comments would be appreciated as always!

As I was digging through our blog posts, to check on what we have, I found this post.  For some weird reason, this post was left as a draft, just pictures no words.  Remembering this now after a year would be difficult (I’m very forgetful!).  

Trying my best to look back, I drove Ica to work during this evening.  In advance I brought the tripod, camera and kit lens.  Parked the car and proceeded to positions that I thought would be a good spot to shoot in.  

When this was shot, the building below was still brand new. I took the opportunity to shoot in long exposures since it’s the way to go in shooting buildings at night.  If you look closely, you’ll see hint of lights coming from cars that passed by.  On another note, all of the shots are HDR, meaning a combination of 3 (or more) different exposures to get a wider dynamic range the image. I think I tried, 0, +1 and -1 on the camera’s meter.  So think of  each image (HDR) shot as long exposure(3 times or more), so getting a single HDR image takes probably 15-20 minutes of shooting( a rough approximation).

The new Robinson Supermarket

As this has post has been stuck in draft for more than a year, I had to resize the images due to web upload. The original files, are still stuck in a desktop computer that has not been repaired yet for more than a year. Recalling why I left Eastwood early, I believe that a security guard told me that no photographing allowed.  I usually yield when told by anyone to stop shooting, it is still privately owned establishment. So their grounds, their rules, ’nuff said.

Hoping that I could shoot again in the evening, and try out a few things that I’ve learned a year after doing this.  

On C5 Road 

Here’s to shooting more photos!